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The Emotional Teaching Rating Scale (EMOTERS) project was developed by  Drs. Katherine Zinsser, Timothy Curby, and Rachel Gordon made the first major effort to create an observational measure of emotional teaching practices that support children’s emotional learning. The development and validation of the measure was originally funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) with later refinements supported through the U.S. Department of Education's Teacher Quality Partnership Program.
Since 2016, the EMOTERS has undergone several revisions and refinements, but we remain committed to ensuring that the measure, training materials, and related professional development tools remain freely accessible and useful for both researchers and practitioners. Some recent highlights include: 

Researchers across the United States and around the world are using the EMOTERS to evaluate social-emotional interventions and teaching practices.

The EMOTERS has informed the preparation of early educators, such as through the UIC Alternative Licensure Program

The EMOTERS framework and measure have been adopted by Head Start and child care programs to guide their professional learning and continuous improvement. 


University of Illinois at Chicago | 1007 W. Harrison St. (M/C 285) Chicago, IL, 60607 | Phone: 312-996-5494


George Mason University | 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, Virginia 22030 | Phone: 703-993-1000


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